Opticians Home Visits for Care Homes and Individual Homes

We offer a full mobile eye care service and have over 35 years of experience in this. If you find it difficult to go out due to a health or mobility problem we will come to you. We have the latest equipment to come and be able to do a thorough examination in the comfort of your own home, we also carry 150 frames for you to choose from so don’t feel like you’re missing out on coming to see us at our practice!

If you’re a care home looking for a reliable Opticians service please get in contact, we will be happy to assist you, we look after large number of homes in and around the area. Our Opticians are trained to conduct eye tests for clients who may have dementia, learning difficulties to name but a few. Alot of the care settings we provide eyecare services for have been with us for decades, so rest assured we can look after your resident’s eyes.

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